Gary Olson tells why it is good to have a dog that is useful, and the only reason to keep one around that is not.
Gary's Videos
I won’t let a virus get me down. Not much anyway.
Gary Olson made this short video when the was recovering from a cold. He did it because he was bored at it was a good excuse to play around with his new PowerDirector 8 software. This video isn’t spectacular, but you might find it mildly amusing.
How to stack a wood pile so it doesn’t fall down
This is a video I created on how a technique I developed for stacking fire wood. I created it, in part, to practice using my new video editing program.
However, it does have some interesting information, so if you’re interested in learning to stack a wood pile feel free to watch it.
A perplexing question about hallucinating jaguars.
Gary Olson poses a perplexing question about hallucinating jaguars, the Tukano Indians, and the mysterious properties of the yaje plant.
Heather Campbell, Vampire extraordinaire, makes a great case for her kind.
Heather Campbell and her dad do the funniest Youtube Vampire videos around. Gary Olson, a huge fan of Heather Campbell Youtube videos, made this video expressing appreciation for her work speaking out for Vampires. He has watched them of her Vampire videos and is eager for more installments. This is a video response where he expresses his admiration for Heather, her father, and vampires in general.
Gary Olson Introduces himself on Orkut.
Gary Olson creates this short video to introduce himself to potential friends on the Orkut social networking web site.