Gary Olson does a video response to Josh’s video about how YouTube sucks. Gary points out that YouTube, and social media in general, has been taken over by advertisers and marketing people sucking the fun out of it. He is looking for ways to bring the fun back to YouTube.
Gary's Videos
Gary talks about cancer treatment and appreciating the basic goodness of being alive.
This is a brief video where Gary Olson updates his friends about the progress of his cancer treatment and encourages everyone to appreciate the good things in life.
Anne and Gary’s Christmas Video – 2011
This is the annual Anne and Gary Christmas video for 2011.
Video response about telling the truth to children
Gary Olson makes a video response to tasteslikepaintnwood’s video about telling untrue stories to children. Gary is against lying to children, and refuses to do it.
Anne and Gary’s Christmas Video – 2010
This is the annual Anne and Gary Christmas Video for 2010.
Why I haven’t been doing Youtube videos lately. Gary Olson explains why he hasn’t made any Youtube videos lately. Check out the link for a more detailed explanation of what has been going on.