I am a big fan of Pavel Goberman.
Pavel is a 71 year old gentleman who owns his own fitness company and is remarkably fit and energetic. He is also amazingly passionate about his politics.
He frequently runs for office. His campaigns are very outspoken, very emotional, and packed with action. So far he has never won, though he does get a lot of press.
Pavel sees evil and corruption in places most others don’t notice it. He is extremely outspoken in his efforts to expose corrupt politicians, crooked businesses, and evil doers of all stripes.
He has probably annoyed about every major political figure in Oregon. A laudable accomplishment in itself.
In his last run to become the United States Senator from Oregon he spoke before the Washington County Public Affairs Forum.
I created a Youtube video of his talk which so far has been views 1,518 times. This is by far the most popular Youtube political video I have posted, and I’ve posted a bunch of them.
That video is shown on this page.
If you would like to get up-to-date information on Pavel’s current political views you can seen them here.
If you’d like to learn more about this unique political phenomenon, just Google Pavel Goberman.
There’s a lot of information out their for your reading and viewing enjoyment.